
ponedeljek, 21. avgust 2017


Title (Naslov): Drunk Dial
A standalone (samostojna knjiga)

Author (Avtor): Penelope Ward - New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)

Release date (Datum izida): 8/21/2017 (21.8.2017)


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From New York Times bestselling author Penelope Ward, comes a new, sexy standalone novel.

It seems like a good idea at the time. Look up Landon Roderick, that boy from childhood whorm I'd never been able to forget—even though he so easily forget about me—and call him.

Then again, anything sounds like a good idea when you've had a little too much wine before bed, right? It was supposed to be just a quick, meaningless, prank call. Instead, I went off on him—unloading thirteen years of pent-up emotions.

I didn't think he'd call me back.

I ceetainly could never have anticipated the weeks of sexsually tense phone conversation that followed as I got to know the man he'd become.

Turned out, Landon had never really forgotten me, either. That special connection we had was still there. I opened up to him, but there were also things about me he didn't know. And he had his own secret.

Over the countless hours we talked on the phone, I wondered what would happen if we actually saw each other. One night, I did something impulsive again. Only this time, I went to the airport and booked a ticket to California. We were about to find out if one phone call could bring two lost souls together or if my drunk dial really was all just a big mistake.

A complete standalone.

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica na lestvici New York Times Bestseller Penelope Ward, nam obljublja nov seksi samostojen roman.

Ta trenutek se zdi to odlična ideja. Poklicati Landona Rodericka, fanta iz otroštva katerega nisem mogla pozabiti, čeprav me je on pozabil. 

Ko pred spanjem popiješ preveč vina, se vse zdi odlična ideja. To naj bi bil hiter, brez pomenski in šaljiv klic. Namesto tega sem mu izpovedala vsa svoja čustva, ki sem jih v teh trinajstih letih zadrževala v sebi.

Nisem pomislila, da me bo poklical nazaj.

Nikoli si nisem mislila, da bom čutila seksualno napetost po telefonskih pogovorih, ki sva jih imela. Preko pogovorov sem spoznala moškega kakršen je postal.

Izkazalo se je, da tudi Landon ni nikoli pozabil name. Posebna vez med nama je še vedno prisotna. Zaupala sem mu, ampak so bile določene stvari o meni za katere ni vedel. Tudi on je imel svoje skrivnosti.

Po vseh teh telefonskih pogovorih, sem razmišljala kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi se dejansko srečala. Neko noč sem storila nekaj čisto nagonskega. Odšla sem na letališče in kupila vozovnico do Kalifornije. Morava ugotoviti, ali bo telefonski klic povezal dve izgubljeni duši. Ali pa je bil ta pijanski telefonski klic samo napaka.

Drunk dial je samostojna knjiga.


PENELOPE WARD is New York Times, USA Today, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She's a sixteen-time New York Bestseller. Her novels are publisher in over a dozen languages and can be found in bookstores around the world. Having grown up in Boston with five older brothers, she spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family-friendly career. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 12-years-old girl with autism and 11-year-old boy. Penelope and her family reside in Rhode Island.

PENELOPE WARD je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Na lestvici New York Bestseller je bila že šestnajstkrat. Njeni romani so bili prevedeni v različne jezike in se prodajajo po vsem svetu. Odraščala je v Bostonu skupaj s petimi brati. V svojih dvajsetih letih je delala na televiziji kot gostiteljica novic, potem pa se je odločila za družini bolj prijazno kariero. Je ponosna mama dvanajst letne deklice z avtizmom in enajst letnega fantka. Z družino živi na Rhode Island-u.

Connect with Penelope Ward (Penelope Ward lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 


Happy Reading!
Knjigoljubka Maja

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