petek, 22. september 2017


Title (Naslov): Lost Before You
Series (Zbirka): Heart's Compass #2
Author (Avtor): Brooke O'Brien
Genre (Kategorija): New adult (novi odrasli)
Cover Designer (Oblikovalec naslovnice): Cover Art © Najla Oamber, Najla Oamber Designs
Hosted by: B&B Productions 

Release date (Datum izida): October 27th, 2017 (27. oktober 2017)

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I wish someone would’ve warned me about the dangers of falling in love with your best friend.
I was no stranger to covering up my problems with meaningless sex and alcohol.
When Brea asked me for one night to help her forget, I craved being the man she needed.
Just sex.
No commitment.
Then she begged me to promise her nothing would change between us. I couldn’t bring myself to lie to her.
One night.
One broken promise.
I will never forget the night I fell in love with my best friend, and now nothing will ever be the same.

Želim si, da bi me kdo opozoril pred nevarnostjo, ko se zaljubiš v najboljšo prijateljico.
Ni mi bilo tuje prekrivati svojih težav z nepremišljenim seksom in alkoholom.
Ko me je Brea prosila za eno noč, da pozabi na vse, sem bil točno to kar je potrebovala.
Samo seks.
Nič obveznosti.
Prosila me je, da ji obljubim, da se med nama ne bo nič spremenilo. Nisem ji zmogel lagati.
Ena noč.
Ena prelomljena obljuba.
Nikoli ne bom pozabil noči, ko sem se zaljubil v svojo najboljšo prijateljico. In zdaj ne bo nikoli več enako.



$25 Amazon Gift Card & an ARC paperback copy of Lost Before You 
(Amazon darilna kartica v vrednosti $25 in ARC mehka vezava knjige Lost Before You) - 

-Go to @Brooke O'Brien's page and click the original post 
(sodelujte tako, da obiščete Facebook stran pisateljice in kliknete na originalno objavo) ~


BROOKE O'BRIEN is the author of the Heart’s Compass series. Her debut novel, Where I Found You, released in May 2017. The second book in the Heart's Compass series, Lost Before You, is expected to release on October 27th.
Brooke lives in the Midwest with her high school sweetheart and their three children (both human and furry). Growing up Brooke always had a love of writing; she started out writing poetry when she was young and began journaling her thoughts as she grew older. Diving headfirst into a good book has always been therapeutic for her. Now her two passions have collided.
She believes you can cure any bad day with chocolate. Brooke enjoys going on long drives with no destination in mind. She's found that's when her characters talk to her the most! If she's not reading or writing, you'll probably find her spending time with her family, watching NBA basketball, going to the movies, or collecting signed paperbacks.

BROOKE O'BRIEN je avtorica zbirke Heart's Compass. Njena prva knjiga  Where I Found You je izšla maja 2017. Druga knjiga v zbirki 
Heart's Compass je Lost Before You in bo izšla 27. oktobra letos.
Brooke živi v Midwestu skupaj s svojo srednješolsko ljubeznijo in njunimi tremi otroci (tako ljudmi kot kosmatinci). Brooke je vedno rada pisala. Med odraščanjem je začela s pisanjem poezije in nadaljevala z dnevnikom, kamor je zapisovala vse svoje misli. Potopiti se v dobro knjigo, je zanjo vedno delovalo terapevtsko. Zdaj sta se njeni strasti združili.
Verjame, da lahko čokolada pozdravi vsak slab dan. Brooke uživa na dolgih vožnjah v neznano. Ugotovila je, da njeni liki govorijo skozi njo. Kadar ne piše in ne bere, preživlja čas s svojo družino, gleda NBA košarko, hodi v kino ali zbira podpisane mehke vezave knjig.

Connect with Brooke (Brooke lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Join Brooke's Book Babes Reader Group (Pridružite se Brookini bralni skupini): http:///

What do you think about the cover? Kakšna se vam zdi naslovnica?
Happy day, Knjigoljubka Maja

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