
petek, 15. december 2017

Cover Reveal: UNTIL by ANNA B. DOE

Title (Naslov): Until
Author (Avtor): Anna B. Doe 
Series (Zbirka): New York Knights, book 2
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Sports Romance (sodobna športna romantika)
Cover Design (oblikovanje naslovnice): Emily Witting, Emily Witting Designs and Photography

Release date (Datum izida): January 5th, 2018 (5. januar 2018)


I was betrayed by those who I loved. Those who I believed in. It was the first and the last time I let myself love someone outside my family. A little girl grew up and opened her eyes. Love makes you weak. It makes you wish for the thing you can't have. It makes you vulnerable, and I swore I will never again go down that path.

Until I met him—Jack Daniel Shelton. 

She left me. She ruined me. The day I found her gone I promised myself I’ll never let anyone have that kind of hold on me. Especially not a woman. Now she is back. No matter how much time has passed, no matter what I tell myself, her hold on me is still strong. There is also a secret she’s been keeping from me. A secret I can’t escape from, but a secret I can’t turn my back to either. A secret that could ruin everything I worked for.

And then, there is her—Sienna Roberts—everything was just as it was supposed to be. That is until she walked in my life. 

Can two souls that lost faith in love find it in one another?

Bila sem izdana od tistih, ki sem jih ljubila. Od tistih, ki sem jim verjela. Bilo je prvič in zadnjič, ko sem ljubezen namenila nekomu izven moje družine. Majhno dekle je odraslo in odprlo svoje oči. Ljubezen te naredi šibko. Prisili te, da si želiš stvari, ki jih ne moreš imeti. Naredi te šibkega. Prisežem, da ne bom nikoli več nasedla in šla po tej poti.

Dokler nisem srečala njegaJack Daniel Shelton.

Ona me je zapustila. Ona me je uničila. Tisti dan, ko je odšla, sem si obljubil, da ne bom nobenemu več dovolil, da ima tak vpliv name. Še posebej ne ženski. Zdaj se je vrnila. Ni važno koliko časa je minilo, ni važno kaj sem si rekel, njen vpliv name je še vedno močan. Tukaj je še skrivnost, ki jo ima pred mano. Skrivnost kateri ne morem pobegniti in skrivnost kateri ne morem obrniti hrbta. Skrivnost, ki lahko uniči vse za kar sem garal.

In nato je tukaj onaSienna Roberts—vse je bilo tako, kot mora biti. To je bilo preden je ona zakorakala v moje življenje.

Ali lahko dve duši, ki sta izgubili vero v ljubezen, to najdeta drug v drugemu?

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What to know how it all started?
Želite izvedeti kako se je vse skupaj začelo?

Lost & Found (New York Knights, book #1) 
One-click or read for free with KU!
Preberite prvo knjigo Lost & Found v zbirki, ki je dostopna na spodnji povezavi.

I don’t know what I want to do with my life. The only thing I am sure of is that this is not what I imagined my life to be. So, instead of staying and trying to figure out what is wrong, I choose to run away. I choose the unknown. I choose the adventure.
My name is Anabel Majer, and I’m lost.

Ne vem več kaj si želim početi v svojem življenju. Edina stvar v katero sem prepričana je, da si takega življenja nisem predstavljala. Namesto, da bi poskušala ugotoviti kaj počnem narobe, sem raje pobegnila od tega. Pustila sem se v nevednosti in izbrala pustolovščino.

Moje ime je Anabel Majer in sem izgubljena.

What readers are saying about Lost & Found:
 “What I really admired about this book was the romance. It wasn’t an immediate fall into bed and declare their love for each other. It was realistic, rough on the edges, and slow burning. This isn’t something you see often in the sports romance genre (at least I haven’t found many like this) and Lost & Found is unique with the pacing, the story line and the honesty between all of the characters.” - Ashley

Kaj so bralci povedali o knjigi Lost & Found:
"Tisto kar najbolj občudujem v knjigi, je bila romanca. Ni bilo takoj skoka v posteljo in izpovedi ljubezni. Bila je realistična, naporna, večkrat na robu in počasi je napredovala. To ni tisto kar je pogosto v športnih romancah (vsaj jaz nisem našla takih) in Lost & Found je edinstvena v razvoju zgodbe in iskrenosti med liki." - Ashley




ANNA B. DOE is an indie author of the contemporary romance novel Lost & Found and Until (coming January 2018). She has bachelor’s degree in Education Science and Spanish from University of Zadar. She works full time in an office and gives English and Spanish classes in her free time. When she’s not working for living or writing her newest book you can find her reading books, watching TV shows, or traveling the world. She is addicted to coffee and a big lover of dogs. Anna writes what she loves to read, which is romance. She is currently working on various projects. Some more secret than others.

ANNA B. DOE je neodvisna pisateljica sodobnih romantičnih romanov Lost & Found in Until (izide januarja 2018). Diplomirala je iz znanstvenih študijev in spanščine na Univerzi v Zadru. Zaposlena je v pisarni, v prostem času pa poučuje angleščino in španščino. Ko ne dela in ne piše, jo najdete kako bere knjige, gleda televizijske nanizanke ter potuje po svetu. Je tudi velika ljubiteljica kave in psov. Piše take zgodbe, ki jih rada tudi sama prebira in to so romantične. Trenutno dela na raznovrstnih projektih. 

You can easily find Anna online (Anno lahko najdete na spletu): 

I love Lost & Found. Can't wait to read Until! Prvo knjigo obožujem. Komaj čakam, da preberem še drugo!
Love you all, Knjigoljubka Maja

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