
sreda, 10. januar 2018


Infraction, an all-new sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller Rachel Van Dyken is AVAILABLE now!!

Infraction, sexy samostojen roman, najbolj prodajane pisateljice Rachel Van Dyken je že na voljo!

Title (Naslov): Infraction
Author (Avtor): Rachel Van Dyken 
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)
Release date (Datum izida): Januar 9th (9. januar)


New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken proves that everyone scores to win. But off the field, a fumble can change the entire game.
Pro footballer Miller Quinton would do anything for his best friend and teammate—including “fake dating” his friend’s sister. What no one knows is that seven months ago in Vegas, Miller and Kinsey did a whole lot more than just kiss. Miller knows that this cheerleader is off-limits to him and any guy on the team. Still, he can’t stop himself.
Kinsey’s whole world is on the verge of crumbling. Her dad has cancer. Her overprotective brother is falling apart. Dating Miller may be a fake-out, but he’s the one guy who can make her forget about everything—including all the reasons she stayed away from football players. With each heated moment, Miller feels more like a safe place…even though he’s not safe at all.
Now temptation is testing every rule in the game of love. But how long can they go on playing when winning is a harder goal than either of them imagined?

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica Rachel Van Dyken dokazuje, da vsi zadetki privedejo do zmage. Izven igrišča pa vajeti spremenijo celotno tekmo.
Profesionalni nogometaš Miller Quinton bi naredil vse za svojega najboljšega prijatelja in soigralca- šel bi tudi na "lažni zmenek" s prijateljevo sestro. Tisto česar nihče ne ve je, da se je pred sedmimi meseci v Vegasu med Millerjem in Kinsey zgodilo veliko več kot poljub. Miller ve, da je ta navijačica prepovedana zanj in za vse ostale fante na igrišču.
Vendar se vseeno ne more ustaviti.
Kinseyevo življenje je na robu propada. Njen oče ima raka. Njen zaščitniški brat propada. Zmenki z Millerjem so lažni, ampak je on edini fant, ki ji lahko pomaga, da pozabi na vse - vključno z razlogi zakaj se mora držati stran od nogometašev. V vsakem afektu ji Miller omogoča varnost...čeprav z njim ni varna.
Skušnjava testira vsa pravila pri igri ljubezni. Ampak koliko časa se lahko igrata, če je zmaga trši cilj, kot si onadva zamišljata?


Read today! (Berite že danes)

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Start the series of standalone today!
(Žačnite brati zbirko že danes!)


RACHEL VAN DYKEN is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!

RACHEL VAN DYKEN je najbolj prodajana pisateljica sodobnih romantičnih knjig. Ko ne piše, pije kavico pri Starbucksu in sestavlja novo zgodbo med gledanjem The Bachelor (Sanjski moški).
Svoj dom si je ustvarila v Idaho skupaj z možem, očarljivim sinom ter dvema psoma boksarjema. Rada je v stiku s svojimi bralci!

Connect with Author (pisateljico lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

Enjoy Reading! Uživajte v branju!
Knjigoljubka Maja

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