ponedeljek, 15. januar 2018

Release Blitz: SEX, NOT LOVE by VI KEELAND

Title (Naslov): Sex, not love
Author (Avtor): Vi Keeland #1 New York Times Bestselling Author
A standalone novel (samostojni roman)
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): 1/15/2018 (15.1.2018)

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My relationship with Hunter Delucia started backwards. 

We met at a wedding—him sitting on the groom’s side, me sitting on the bride’s.  Stealing glances at each other throughout the night, there was no denying an intense, mutual attraction. 

I caught the bouquet; he caught the garter. Hunter held me tightly while we danced and suggested we explore the chemistry sparking between us. His blunt, dirty mouth should’ve turned me off. But for some crazy reason, it had the opposite effect on me. 

We ended up back in my hotel room. The next morning, I headed home to New York leaving him behind in California with the wrong number. 

I thought about him often, but after my last relationship, I’d sworn off of charming, cocky, gorgeous-as-sin men. A year later, Hunter and I met again at the birth of our friends’ baby. Our attraction hadn't dulled one bit. After a whirlwind trip, he demanded a real phone number this time. So I left him with my mother’s—she could scare away any man with her talks of babies and marriage—and flew back home. 

I’d thought it was funny, until the following week when he rang the bell at Mom’s house for Sunday night dinner. The crazy, gorgeous man had won over my mother and taken an eight-week assignment in my city. He proposed we spend that time screwing each other out of our systems. 

Eight weeks of mind-blowing sex with no strings attached? What did I have to lose? 

Nothing, I thought. 
It’s just sex, not love. 
But you know what they say about the best laid plans…

Moje razmerje s Hunterjem Delucia se je začelo nazaj.

Spoznala sva se na poroki- on je sedel na ženinovi strani, jaz na nevestini. Cel večer sva si dajala hitre poglede, zato privlačnosti med nama nisva mogla zanikati.

Ujela sem šopek; on je ujel podvezo. Hunter me je močno objel, medtem ko sva plesala in ugibala kakšna kemija se plete okoli naju. Njegova umazana usta, bi me morala odvrniti. Ampak iz nekega norega razloga so imela na mene obraten učinek.

Končala sva skupaj v moji hotelski sobi. Naslednje jutro sem odletela nazaj domov v New York, njega pa sem pustila v Kaliforniji z napačno telefonsko številko.

Večkrat sem se spomnila nanj, ampak glede na moja zadnja razmerja sem se odpovedala čednim, arogantnim in krasnim moškim. Čez eno leto sva se s Hunterjem ponovno srečala na rojstvu otroka najinih prijateljev. Privlačnost med nama ni ugasnila. Po tem potovanju je zahteval mojo pravo telefonsko številko. Pustila sem ga z mamino številko - ona z lahkoto prežene vsakega moškega s svojim govorjenjem o otrocih in porokah - ter odletela domov.

Mislila sem, da je smešno, dokler ni naslednji teden pozvonil na maminih vratih in se ustavil na nedeljski večerji. Ta nor in krasen moški je osvojil mojo mamo in vzel osem tednov dolgo zadolžitev v mojem mestu. Nameraval je preživeti nekaj časa z mano in se zabavati.

Osem tednov odštekanega seksa brez obveznosti? Le kaj lahko izgubim?

Ničesar, sem mislila.
Saj je samo seks, ne ljubezen.
Ampak saj veste kaj pravijo o najboljše zastavljenih načrtih...



VI KEELAND is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. With more than a million and a half books sold, her titles have appeared in over eighty Bestseller lists and are currently translated in seventeen languages. She lives in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

VI KEELAND je ena izmed najbolj prodajanih pisateljic po svetu. Prodala je milijon in pol knjig. Njene knjige so se pojavile na osemdesetih listah najbolj prodajanih knjig po svetu in so prevedene v sedemnajst jezikov. Z možem in tremi otroki živi v New Yorku. Našla je svoj "Skupaj za vedno" s svojim možem, ki ga je spoznala pri šestih letih.

Connect with Vi Keeland (Vi Keeland lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

With love, Knjigoljubka Maja

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